Have you ever sat down and really thought about which direction our modern world is moving in? Okay so maybe you were standing up? Sleeping? Well, whichever it was, I'm sure you've realized the difficulty in imagining that which has not yet happened. After all, this ability to predict the future is a very rare skill limited only to the most accomplished of the Jedi.
So why is all this important you ask? What is all this insane jabber-jaw about fortune telling? Well, I'm glad you've asked these questions! If you've payed attention to technology of the late 20th century, it's no surprise that the internet alone is responsible for much of the success and failure of certain businesses. Just this past Thursday, Blockbuster had declared a Chapter 11 bankruptcy! That is a clear sign that the times have changed. Today, since the world is developing so quickly, it's becoming even more important for businesses to be innovative, and stay ahead of that curve!
Just think if Blockbuster's board members had analyzed how the internet could benefit their business instead of which brand of candy to place by their checkouts. Although there are many factors which have and will continue to contribute to the demise of this video-rental pioneer, failure to effectively utilize the internet as a marketing tool clearly peaks above the clouds as the turning point in the company's history. Strategy is very important when it comes to winning. Not only do future business leaders need to think outside the box to achieve there short-term goals, but they must also remain innovative and move with technology so that they ensure their goals in the long-term.
The ability to not only think outside of but create your own box will prove to be highly significant in the immediate future. Right-brained individuals, who, in contrast to those with a dominant left-brain, possess stronger intuitive characteristics, and are generally viewed as creatives. Today, we need creative individuals innovatively driving our businesses to success. We need refreshing solutions to problems both big and small. While it is still a very nebulous field, we are making many advances in the mapping of the brain. In this TED presentation, neuroscientist Sebastian Seung discusses the project of the connectome, in which he and his colleagues will attempt to map the human brain's neurons and synapses. Much like the genome project, the connectome project will open many doors to how we view the mind.
Perhaps, someday we will actually map the human brain, finding out answers to so many of its mysteries. Maybe all of us can be a Miss Cleo someday (Yes, I went there). Until then, remember to keep the mind on its toes, and practice with those Jedi techniques daily!
sketch the moment
Jonathan Small